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In conclusion, a strong majority of young Guatemalans believe that there is life after death (79%). Some call it the kingdom of God, others Heaven, and others simply call it another life. However 12% of respondents had some doubts about the subject. And the minorities that correspond to a 9% claimed to believe in nothing.

According to the information presented in the introduction to this work, where the author Milton G. Henschel warned that young people's responses on the subject of life after death would be influenced by the religion and culture to which they belong. This could be confirmed because their responses highlighted Bible verses and making mention to their religious beliefs.

Most of the young respondents, who do believe in life after death, in which corresponds to 79%, have in common a spiritual/ religious answer.

As quoted in the introduction, Dr. Billy Graham assures that the question: "Is there life after death?" is very common in young people, which is contradicted during the course of this investigation since the majority of the answers were very vague in which it showed that young Guatemalans don’t often wonder about this question.

According to the author of A Life with Purpose, Rick Warren said in the introduction of this work that it was confirmed that the only thing that gives meaning to life is knowing and believing that there is something more after death. "You weren’t put on earth to be reminded ,but to prepare ourselves for eternity. "

 It was concluded that the reason why many young people act without giving meaning to his life is that neither know nor believe there is life after death. as they relate and analyze the answer to question 1 and 2 of the questionnaire administered. (based on the percentage of 9% do not believe in life after death).

According to the instrument applied in young Guatemalans, and based on the response of the same with regard to Question 2. It was observed that most of those who believe and assert that after death if life exists, respondents to be good people. And young people do not believe in any sort of life after death answered mostly live life to the fullest.

Según el porcentaje de jóvenes guatemaltecos que cree en una vida eterna describieron la misma como una vida de paz, alegría y gozo. Mientras que los que solo afirmaron creer en otro tipo de vida mencionaron una vida sin violencia, dolor y sus respuestas fueron mas cortas.

Se concluyó que los jóvenes que afirmaron creer en una vida eterna el les infunde confianza, esperanza y tranquilidad en su vida diaria. Ya que se analizaron sus respuestas basadas en el cuestionario aplicado.

Young Guatemalans who have had near-death experience (48%) mentioned that has been through car accidents, surgeries or suffocation.

 In making this argument parse it is vital that young people have a clear concept about life after death as this instill in their daily lives. Since The results of the study it is clear that people who believe in the promises of the sacred books, have a concept of life more clearly.

According to information obtained could be analyzed that the lack of information and little awareness among the majority of young Guatemalans on the subject is very vague. This was confirmed with the lack of interest reflected in the terse and imprecise answers from them.