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viernes, 3 de septiembre de 2010

The Most Common Religions in Guatemala

Their Beliefs About Life After Death
• Catholicism: Catholics firmly believe that at the end of this life (terrestrial ) there is another spiritual life, heaven or hell. But they also believe that there is a temporary place to complete the preparation of the soul to enter heaven. This (place) where many Christians go, is called ("Purgatory"). “

• Christianity: Evangelical Christians faithfully believe in the teachings of Christ which
are recounted in the Gospels found in the Holy Bible. " John 14:2-3. (2) "In My Father's house are many dwelling places ; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. 3 "If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.” It refers to the promise of a Second Coming after his ascension into heaven given by Jesus Christ to his disciples, when Jesus would rescue the saved or chosen, leading to heaven (for some the New Jerusalem) with the resurrected.

Mormon: "The three heavens are three kingdoms where people live after death: Telestial, Terrestial, Celestial. God, the Father of our spirits created a plan for all of us to reach our greatest potential, and get eternal happiness. The Plan of Salvation is a transcendental teaching in Mormonism that was revealed to Joseph Smith. Mormons teach that the salvation plan was prepared before the foundation of the world. Part of this plan was to come to land, get a body of flesh and bones, which is mortal and can die at any time. At death, the body and mind are separated, the body is buried, and the spirit goes to a place called the Spirit World "

• Judaism: The Jews believe that this world is the foreshadowing of the next.  The Jewish literature tradition has devoted itself to only a limited exploration of paradise. Judaism makes no attempt to forget death or suffocate her with false joy. "The dead praise not the Lord, nor do those who go down into silence of the grave. But we will bless the Lord from henceforth and forevermore Hallelujah!" Declares the Psalmist, "and the Torah says, "In the World to Come no food or drink, washing, or applied to the leather, not sex, but the righteous live with crowns on their foreheads and enjoy the splendor of the Divine Presence "(Brachot 17a).

As you can see, these religions believe in another life after death


what do the young people believe??

To analyze better the ideas or beliefs that young people in  Guatemala have, we cannot base this only on the religion they belong to, so we have investigated deeper into our cultural roots.

Death in the Worldview of the Mayans

For the Maya, death was not a total abolition of living beings, but a change of state.  Death is just a different way of life.
Through archaeological explorations we can learn and prove their beliefs.
In the burial sites were found some types of offerings that were deposited on each dead, according to his or her status. Most of the gifts were clay pots that usually contained food and drinks.
Other objects that they offered to the dead had a magic value that was associated with life after death.
The ground corn placed in the mouth of the dead, meant "Wishing him well in his other life."

The dead  must be accompanied by some personal items and new clothes to wear that symbolize the afterlife
The cleansing of the body symbolizes the change of life, leaving his old life to start a new one. For this change, it is necessary to purify the dying.
Today we keep some of our ancient Mayan beliefs.  For example now we still pray for the dead, to facilitate their arrival in the  new world of spirits.
Many young people continue to believe in some of these old beliefs.


 The most basic question everyone faces is: Why am I here? What is my purpose? Is there something after this life?...

The answer that each person gets is going to define the meaning they will give to their life.

"The greatest tragedy is not death,

but life without purpose."                                                                          

"the man without purpose is like a ship without a rudder, a breath, nothing, nobody…"

Self-help books suggest we should look within ourselves for the answer - in our desires and dreams. But Rick Warren says that God and His eternal purpose for each life should be the starting point. The real meaning and significance comes from understanding and fulfilling God's purpose in creating us. Rick Warren stated: "You were not put on earth to be remembered, but to prepare for eternity." " Friends, this world is not your home so do not accept the indulgence of your ego at the expense of your soul "," life is much more than to live for the moment, because you were created to live forever" With this in mind, reduce your stress, your choices will be less complicated, have more satisfaction and more importantly, prepare you for eternity


"Human beings are not insignificant accidents of an evolution, upright apes, but moral and spiritual beings with meaning, purpose and destiny."
summarized this truth the Bible says:
God set eternity in the heart of every human being
Ecclesiastes 13-11

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